Monday, October 23, 2006

DASE/1B/03 -- Is Teenage Suicide a Serious Problem?


Blogger pearly said...

i think that teenage suicide is a serious problem. imagine how bad it will be if one day half of the youth committing suicide over the slightest reason? it is true that not much teenages chose this path in comparison to the teenage population. however the number of teenage suicide has increased from that before. before teenagers really go into the suicide paths, they must have faced various problems which they think that no one can solve their problems. thus, they go through a series of process of self-torturing, hoping to seek attention. when those are of no avail, only will they commit suicide.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

teenage suicide is a problem, especially in our country where birth rates are low. WHO WILL REPRODUCE then if teenagers start to commit suicide?

and suicide cases aren't really posted in the news, unless there's some KEPO aunties and uncles who called up the new paper and such.

it's done out of the person's own will, yes. but do you ever wonder what triggers the person to commit suicide? love, life, family, might be the reason you could ever think of. yes, he might not see the point of living life any longer, but IF EVER you have such friends, would you leave him astray and finally getting news that he died from jumping off the top floor? so you think with him ending his life, it's his choice to do what he want? why can't he commit suicide not because of him choosing that path to death, but more likely him getting away from reality? why should we not force to continue living his life miserably, but instead teach him to appreciate life no matter how miserable it is, because there other people who lead a much miserable life than he is?

unfortunately i've had friends who had committed suicide before. therefore i FEEL that teenage suicide is a serious problem. i wonder what makes you make that 'MUAHAHA' thing at the end, is that sarcasm? i hope it is. teenage suicide isn't really a funny matter to talk about. it might not be infectious, but it might be influential. perhaps not in terms of influential between peers, but on how the teenager lives his life. the kinds of music he listens to, the types of books he reads, and.. you get the gist.

and yenwei, judging from the comments you make, i think you're one stuckup rich kid who has everything for yourself.

1:45 AM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

Okay maybe the above is abit harsh, pardon me for that. just because you've not come across this kind of problem, it's not serious.

and i really hope the MUAHAHA thing is sarcasm. it's disturbing!

1:59 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

felloyfs, kindly identify yourself. :)

10:02 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

Hmmm... Zul, your points are valid. But tone down your FIRE!
No personal attacks here.

10:05 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

Yen Wei: Currently, your arguments are under attack :)

Let me try to save you here.

Your group should define "problem". Is the situation "problematic" enough to warrant action from the government? Is it problematic enough that schools should create awareness programmes?

Currently, we have SOS lines and other social services which can help. Are they enough? If they are enough, then your case still stands. The situation is not SO bad that it requires MORE action. It is still under control.

Of course, you would have noticed by now, certain statements or comments could potentially be sensitive. :)

10:12 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

fellowyfs ( who are you???)

You have a point here too.

And your point here, the problem is not the SUICIDE itself. The problem is that behind the action (of killing oneself), there is a host of unresolved issues.

And these issues demand our attention.

Good thinking.

10:15 AM  
Blogger changzee said...


Your point is that as friends, we should not let suicidal thoughts get to our good friends. Good.

But stay relevant to the issue here. IS IT A PROBLEM? WHY IS IT A PROBLEM?

The point that you made about population decrease is a little extreme here.

Nevertheless, you do make a good observation that many suicide cases are kept under wraps.

10:22 AM  
Blogger changzee said...


Excellent point.

Quatity does not matter.
One suicide is already one too many.

The fact that someone decides and manages to kill himself is already serious enough.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Umar said...

I think teenage suicide is a serious problem.

I think ppl commit suicide because they see that their live has no value anymore and and have been in a state of depression for a long time.

If a teenager commit suicide, it shows that the 'youg ppl of the nation' cannot cope with adversity well. And when a person commit suicide, it shows that they have no perseverence to overcome adversity. Its like saying 'my life has problems with no solutions'

If teenage suicide happen, it just show that the future of nation is not safe as as it shows that'the young ppl of the nation' has no determination and persistent to overcome adversity.

10:11 PM  
Blogger cHarisMaTa said...

hello everyone!
To me,teenage suicide is a serious problem.Its not a joking matter,it concerns life n death.

Normally,teenage commit suicide is because they are unable to handle the stress in the society--love,family,studies etc.Thay can't handle their emotions well,especially rejections and disappointments.This two aspects are amongst the most dangerous emotions which will lead to suicidal thoughts, if they are not handled well.

Teenagers are going to be the leaders of the future,if teenage suicide cases keep on increasing,who is going to take on the baton to run the country?

Moreover,i feel those teenagers who commit suicide are very irresponsible.They just care for themselves,how they feel thats all.Have they ever thought of how their parents and love ones will feel after they commit suicide??they are gone yet the pain they lft behind is intolerable.

therefore,teenagers should always think before they act wilfully.

1:03 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

Think Umar has brought up a relevant and important point.

Teenage suicide may point to the fact that teenagers have become "soft"; unable to cope with adversity.

Anyone remembers the JC student who committed suicide because he thought his penis was too small.

It may have seemed funny at first. But to an adult like me, it is sad that death was the only solution for him.

3:19 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


You mentioned both the mental and emotional stresses that may push a teen towards suicide. You also mentioned that it is a selfish act.

Both valid comments.

I mentioned that teenagers are going "soft" in my previous comment.

Now, are they really becoming less able to take stress? Or is there just TOO MUCH STRESS?

3:25 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Yen Wei

It is good that you have managed to maintain your stand!

And yes, apologies. This is not your group. :)

3:30 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


Welcome finally!

Good start. Refer to my comments to Yenwei in the beginning.

It would be good to define what you think is "serious". Could be in terms of numbers, perhaps, ave no. of suicides in a year?

Compare it to other countries.

Time to do some research. :)

3:33 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

try reading the book "Youth Culture ; Identity in a Post-Modern world." cant remember the details much but i know the teenage suicide is considered a serious problem.

haiizz. my life is not worth living, my boyfriend dumped me, i lost my everything.. i wanna dieeeee - a reason to commit suicide? no doubt not a sensible reason.

but if im not wrong, when a person commits suicide, the deceased is handcuffed on the spot and then taken away. is that true?

i'm digressing ~ bah

3:52 PM  
Blogger ♥ wanting said...

i'm not so sure bout the handcuff thing. but last time it is said that they will whip the body. because they believe comitting suicide equals murder. murdering yourself that is.

teenage suicide is a serious problem. but it is not the MOST serious one at the moment yet. people are more worried bout terrorism. therefore people tend to neglect its happening.

teenagers are the ones who grow up and marry, have kids and procreate the next generation. they are the future adults and will earn income for themselves, for their nation so that their country can advance to be stronger and more developed than before.

parents and governments are the ones who should take serious notice of this problem. Are these teenagers with suicide in their minds troubled with some kind of problem? Parents should take the initiative to talk to them, and accept whatever they say, providing a listening ear. governments on the other hand have already set up hot-lines for problem teenagers to call and consult.

suicide does not affect the government in the short term, it affects parents more. that is why parents should spend more time with kids. working parents will have to try to devote more time to their kids instead of being so work-orientated.

if the teenage has a parent to confide in or someone to talk to, they will not have to resort to committing suicide.

7:53 PM  
Blogger cHarisMaTa said...

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11:18 PM  
Blogger cHarisMaTa said...

Hi miss chang!!
ya..what i meant was teenagers are undergoing too much stress.As you can see,the society we are living in is moving faster and faster,technology keeps on improving,education systems keep on changing for the better.

We are living in a fast moving society.we got to keep on upgrade ourselves before becoming a liability to the society.When teens can't handle the stress anymore, they run away from reality and suicide is one of the ways.

teens shoudl think before they act on anything.What outcome they may cause if they do certain actions etc.ThiNk before you ACT.

11:24 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

hmmm... teenage suicide will never be the most serious problem in any society.

However, is it serious enough?

Bingzhe's group, refer to my second post again.

6:13 PM  
Blogger neutrongears said...

It is a serious problem, it reflects on how the teens think nowadays and their attitude towards life. Quantity doesnt matter indeed, so stats dont show if its a serious problem or not, it merely shows "serious but how serious?".

Start from young: teachers & parents have to teach their children the correct attitude towards problems they faced in life. It is very serious because at this rate, is everyone from the new generation gonna jump off buildings over the slightest manner?

Having SOS lines do not effectively get to the root of the problem, it's just as a last appeal to teens to avoid suicide. No need to analyse what pushes teens to commit suicide either, it is all about teens shouldnt even have such thinkings in the first place.

Yenwei in his first post says "You dont really go and jump down from a buildig just when you see your friends do it, right?" I have to argue to that point, no choice. Teens are called teens and not adults for a reason. Remember cases in Japan where little kids thought they were superheroes and jumped off, and while the other saw, he too follow after? Its way long news I think =.= Anyway that's still suicide, knowingly or not knowingly, not getting at the cause even. Face it, teens regardless of gender are constantly having pms.

4:16 AM  
Blogger ViCtOr =D said...

Teenage suicide is not a serious problem.

I will not deny it is a problem but did it ever crossed your mind why teenage turn to suicide in the first place.

Suicide a solution?

Most teens interviewed after making a suicide attempt say that they did it because they were trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get relief from really bad thoughts or feelings, such as rejection, hurt, loss, angry, ashamed, guilty about something, unloved, victimized or burden to others.

We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes.

But most people get through it or can put their problems in perspective and find a way to carry on with determination and hope. So why does one person try suicide when another person in the same tough situation does not? What makes some people more resilient (better able to deal with life’s setbacks and difficulties) than others? What makes a person unable to see another way out of a bad situation besides ending his or her life?

The answer to those questions lies in the fact that most people who commit suicide have depression.

Do you know that teens are vulnerable to depression? That's because hormones and sleep cycles,which both change dramatically during adolescence,can affect mood. The good news is that depression is treatable---most teens get better with the right help.

When depression lifts because a person gets the proper therapy or treatment, the distorted thinking is cleared. The person can find pleasure, energy, and hope again. But while someone is seriously depressed, suicidal thinking is a real concern.

Therefore suicide is not as serious as you think. Depression leads to suicide. However it can be treated!
Moreover its not everyone getting depression!!!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

hi! here Joshua!

i agree with ALL those who said teenage suicide is not a serious problem.

firstly... why teenage commit suicide? here are a few points from my research...

1-Sense of failure — In Singapore, one of the most common reasons for suicide is examination failure or academic performance

2-Suicide is about PAIN — and ending it.

3-Sense of rejection — peer problems or relationship problems. In Singapore, relationship issues are a second common reason for suicide.

4-Sense of isolation — family problems, for example

5-Depression can be a trigger(like what victor had said)

6-Suicide is seen as a solution, a way to end everything.

y is not serious problem? because all those can be treated!! just like some deadly illness, if u don't want to cure it, the price is death.

IF... someone is thinking about suiside, pls call 1800-221-4444!! people thinking of suiside is a warning sign. how do u know people is thinking about suiside? from another research:

A teen who is thinking about suicide may:

1-talk about suicide or death in general
2-talk about "going away"
3-talk about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
4-pull away from friends or family
5-lose the desire to take part in favorite things or activities
6-have trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
7-experience changes in eating or sleeping habits
8-self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or driving too fast, for example)

LASTLY, if everyone care for each others more OFTENLY, concern more about each other, teenage suicide is not a serious problem.

8:33 PM  
Blogger jas said...

i agree with kth chk. how serious depends alot on whether it affects yourself or people around you. it might be an serious issue to A but not serious to B. hence, there's a need to define the 'seriousness'. however, teenage suicide cases seems to have increased. to me it does not poses too much problem to the society and does not affect my life much. thus it's not a serious problem?

1:43 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

ARGH... blogger got problem when i post.. Zzz... just write what i remembered... XD

from yaya- how serious depends alot on whether it affects yourself or people around you

how serious is a problem to you if someone died? just like another person died and people still live on.

from jingyang-Cos nowsaday parents are working and neglect their child

that's why people must practise care and concern more. if the parents care more for their child, the child will not suicide!! just like that jc student who penis is too small and he just suicide. if his friends did not make fun of him, and concern more about him, he will not suicide too.

from Kth CHK-If u r kind enough to care,every single teen tat attempt suicide will be a big problem to u.

big problem is not serious problem. how many people you know wants to commit suicide?

11:54 PM  

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