Monday, October 23, 2006

DASE/1B/03 -- Should Polytechnic Students Wear Uniforms?


Blogger Umar said...

Hey Wei Chong.. Dont comment on the gals. U talk as if you dont like to see only... Haha...

I think poly students should not wear uniform.

1)By not wearing uniform, they will be more creative. They will be more aware about design. They will also have a chance to express their creativity by how they are dressed...

2)There is no such thing as not wearing uniform will distinguish if the person is poor or rich. Most poly student wear clothes that are affordable. So in this case, it is not 'rich vs poor' 'instead 'style vs no style'

10:31 PM  
Blogger shikin said...

don't worry wei cong!
here i comeee.

anw,i absolutely disagree that polytechnich students should wear uniforms!

this is because i don't like uniforms.
it's stuffy and there are constant spot checks which causes unneccessary panic among those rule breakers.(me being one of them.)

on a more serious note.
if u say that wearing a uniform reduces the number of girls wearing indecent outfits,im afraid that i'd have to rebutt that.
It is really their personal choice what they wear.
And their choice of clothes also depend on their personality and moral values.
It doesn't mean that if they wear a uniform in sch they would not wear those so-called indecent outfits outside.
In other words,if u impose a rule for poly students to wear uni u'd only be restricting their freedom to wear whatever they like and not in any way reducing the number of girls wearing indecent outfits.Cos they can make their sch uni indecent too if they want by cropping their skirt super short.

I do not find myself troubled trying to decide what to wear everyday neither do i compare clothes i wear with what other students are wearing.not incessantly anyway.
I repeat outfits if i have to.
which is every week really.
it really depends on how self conscious and superficial an individual is and how comfortable he/she is with herself.

but i still prefer no uni.
cos can go out to town or for dinner with my family w/o worrying that i look sloppy or out of place in my uni.


10:47 PM  
Blogger cHarisMaTa said...

hello everyone!!
To me,i don't mind wearing uniforms actually.If not,like most poly students,have to fret about what to wear to school everyday.

Uniforms makes us look neater,smarter and more decent,if we wear it the right way.The best thing is that uniform helps us not to worry what to wear the next day.

One less item to worry n fret about.Moreover,students will feel more confortable in doing things,they won't feel awkward while wearing these uniforms, which results to more confidence??

Anyway,i just feel that if there is a choice, i think poly students should wear uniforms.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Umar said...

If you dont have to wear uniform, u have freedom. Freedom to choose, freedom to style. This is when the creativity comes in. (ur 90% brain potential)

If you follow the crowd, be generalised, there is no improvement and no development. I tink ppl who are prefer to wear uniform dont like to try new things.(Thats why u are using 10% of ur brain potential).

To those who like wearing uniform, is it troublesome to chose other clothes to wear or are u being hesitant to use ur creativity??

U see, human being like to be safe. Trying everything new is like taking a risk. So they prefer not to try anithing new.

Dont wear uniform, be creative, try new things and enjoy life :)

6:53 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

A good mix of views here and I think everyone has some valid points here.

This topic just seems so much easier than the rest.

Hmmm... to the group which is tackling this issue -- I need you to raise the standard a little.

1. Find out the function of uniforms. Why do people wear uniforms? Don't only look at school children -- what about the armed forces? factory workers? bank tellers?

2. Are we imposing the uniform rule to PREVENT things from happening, like what weicong has mentioned in his first post.

Or are we imposing the rule so that we can ENCOURAGE certain things?

am i making myself clear?

3:55 PM  
Blogger ♥ wanting said...

the wearing of uniforms is to create standardness amongst different people. it also help to create a united, bonded feeling about one another. even if you don't know each other!

i like leo's idea of different school different uniforms! uniforms also bring out your sense of identity. it gives you a sense of belonging too!

weicong, dun complain la! if no mini-skirt i think you don't want to attend lessons already. haha kidding. girls can alter their uniform shirt and make it shorter too, until it's no difference from a mini-skirt.

i think wearing uniforms does not limits our creativity. we can still channel our creativity to other places, instead of decorating ourselves like christmas tree with accessories, we can deco the classroom or something. (but who wants to deco class right?)

but ultimately it depends on the design of the uniform. if they design is nice i think everyone will be happy and proud to wear it to school everyday. if the design ir horrendous, i think there will be no debate for this thread already.

4:41 PM  
Blogger slackerclub said...

if each school will have one kind of uniform, quite cool.. hahahs...

9:45 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

the reason i was reluctant to enrol myself in a polytechnic was because i have to think about what to wear everyday! hahaha

however, when we dont wear uniforms, it means we chance our clothes everyday. unlike uniform, sometimes we only change into a new one twice a week. some lazy ones will wear the same pair for the whole week. (then AIR FRESHENERS) must be used due to bad smelling air caused by body odours. NYIAHAHA

and i agree with shikin, girls would make it more indecent by making their skirts shorter. look at those typical JC minahs/ahlians. super short skirts, sometimes quite an eyesore as their legs arent pretty. haha

and yeah, not having to wear the uniform reduce the hassle of having to go back home and change, and it wastes ALOT of time, because for me, i stay in the east, and if i'm going elsewhere, say town, waste 1 hour going back home, another hour changing, and then another 45mins travelling to town. GAWSHH. we dont have the luxury of time do we? ahaha

BUT, one thing i like about wearing the uniform, is that we look smart.

and... my classmates would finally see me in a skirt if SUDDENLY polytechnic students would have to wear uniforms.


11:14 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

each school wear different kinds of uniforms?
then CLS would have test tubes and microscopes printed on our blouses/shirts. innit coollll. (haha looks like a retard)

11:16 PM  
Blogger The Athletic Ang said...

Actually, its great to wear uniforms if that means we get the same student fare rate as the JC students. Because right now, we are paying adult fare and even the concession fare for us is twice the amount as compared to students in junior college. If wearing uniforms allow us have the same advantage. I wouldn't mind actually. No matter how inconvenient it could be to hang out with your friends in uniforms.

9:30 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

Wei Cong

Good work.

Yes. This is what I want the group to do. gather some research.

You have listed four points on how uniforms promote school safety.

Are these four points relevant to the poly? Up to your group to decide.

5:36 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

A little snippet for everyone.

When I was in NUS, there was a ban on students wearing bermudas and/or slippers. Why? Because people were coming to school looking like they were going downstairs to buy newspapers.

The uni even placed a librarian at the library entrance to turn students away if they flouted the rule.

Needless to say, the ban died a natural death soon after.

5:44 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

As a lecturer, I am not bothered if a student comes in slippers or shorts.

What's important to me (hopefully, you would know by now) is RESPECT.

If you know that wearing a micro-mini skirt might offend someone, then don't wear it (regardless of whether Weicong will appreciate it or not:).

If some VIP is coming to your class/ school to give a talk, try to respect that person by dressing a little better.

5:47 PM  
Blogger neutrongears said...

Gordon, regardin soldiers fighting in home clothes, good idea really, I reckon its either the enemy finds it too funny to continue fighting, or deeply impressed that the entire Singapore is fighting as one, not just the army alone.

I disagree with wearing unis, because firstly taking out the rule of having uniforms, it officially recognises and acknowledges the current students' maturity. It further leads on to self-responsibility and so on. This encourages and constantly "reminds" students to be aware of themselves, which shall mould these students to be efficient adults in near future. Keep in mind the poly views their students as young adults, no longer spoonfed and guided like sheeps. Apart from imparting knowledge, we can see the poly is efficient in teachin moral values too, to prepare their students for entering the society.

Aside from that, working adults or just plain Singaporeans should have proper fashion sense, isnt it? By allowing the students to wear home attire, it prepares them for te future, which attire suits which kinda situation - dress approriately. Businessman in black tops but in kaki shorts? Or... are you suggesting companies should have uniforms for all their workers as well?

I believe the poly is a place that is very near to the current society standards, while letting us learn. (Sounds like a trial run before the actual thing)

3:58 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

Leo, Kenneth and Alvin

Good arguments!

10:20 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

YenWei's group

Think there are many posts here which list the main functions of wearing a uniform.

Your group has to decide if these functions apply to the poly.

10:24 PM  
Blogger ViCtOr =D said...

Polytechnic students should not wear uniform!!!

We can differentiate ourselves from JC students and secondary students because in a way, polytechnics reflect university school life.
It can be an identity too! An identity of a higher level institution!

Why be the same as JC n secondary school when we have different way of learning, holidays, etc?
I see that as a uniqueness-to be a polytechnic student!

Whether or not we dress ourselves up, it can show how a person's attitude and character. If he/she dress nicely, it shows that he/she is putting effort in the way they present themselves to others! If not, it can tell us that he/she might not be affected by the way they dressed themselves. It can teach us, polytechnic students to read people by the way they dressed! =D

Wearing same uniform means bonded? hahaz... I think there are others more realistic ways such as always stay together, and do things together-this is the real bond. Wearing a common uniform is just on the surface and don’t means u r bonded!

Moreover Singapore is an open society! We should more tolerance towards the way people dressed. Therefore I feel that polytechnic students should not wear uniform.

12:36 PM  
Blogger _jia_ said...

I think Ppolytechnic student should not wear uniform. Although uniform looks smart and neat but some student will just go against the purpose. They will just tuck out their shirt and walk around the school.

8:36 PM  
Blogger ViCtOr =D said...

If there is several types of uniforms... isnt it still less than home clothes?...

isnt it more troublesome to assign a set of uniform for each day?... lol!...
if they have to keep choosing what to wear the next would be quite 'fresh' at first however i believe soon... the students will felt it meaningless and soon forget about it. =) like me.

so no uniform for poly students!!! =)

9:17 PM  
Blogger ViCtOr =D said...

wah!!..i where got say i rich! hahaz...
3 years in poly..i am sure as the time goes..your collection of clothes will increase however if onli have that few sets of uniform...overall still lesser! hehe...
be class treasurer ah?... can can... we shld make a class t-shirt! =D

12:12 PM  

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