Monday, October 23, 2006

DCP/1A/25 -- Is Homosexuality Socially or Biologically Determined?


Blogger Zlhaykf said...

heyyy~ are you all to shy to talk about homosexuality or what ?!!!

ok personally i feel homosexuality is socially determined.
i'll erm elaborate soon. and please keep the comments coming innnnn ~

9:56 PM  
Blogger min said...

I feel that homosexuality is socially determined.. i think people become homsexual is due to certain peer or some setbacks that they have faced. They could have probably faced some setbacks in their relationship which makes them think differently. They might be under the influence of their peers causing them to be attracted to their own sex. erm.. cant think of anymore things to say..

12:11 AM  
Blogger said...

i also think that homosexuality is socially determined. this is because i feel that humans adapt to their environment. like if a baby is made to play with toys meant for the opposite gender, most likely he/she will grow up to behave more like the opposite gender. however i m not trying to say that one becomes homosexual after playing with toys of an opposite gender. what i m trying to put across is that we humans are subjected to change. the environment n peers around us affects us greatly. so i think that the come abt of homosexual are not due to genes and all but mainly the environment one is living in.

12:14 AM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

i play with toy cars when i'm young, so therefore i'm a homosexual.
HAHA omg ok it's late i'm sorry for this~

but min, how does one be under influence of peers?

1:05 AM  
Blogger min said...

I think their frens beside them are like that so they somehow dont want to be left out.. haha.. i dont know what i m talking now..

11:14 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

It is very easy to base our conclusions on what we observe in the streets or in the media.

While some of us may have friends who are homosexuals, we cannot base an argument solely a few person's experience alone.

So, though this issue is highly interesting, the group members need to do some reading to find out more.

1:19 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Example of study trying to prove that homosexuality is biologically determined.

Example of an organisation forwarding the view that homosexuality can be "un-learned".

The above are some links to start you off. I expect you guys to read up much more. :)

1:21 PM  
Blogger adabelle said...

the stand that i take on this mattter is that majority of homosexuality is socially determined.

having been in a all girls school before,i have seen and heard cases of homosexuality taking place.

the reasons being:

i)lack of family and friends love.

ii)desperate.seeing how others are being showered with love and he or she does not get the same.

iii)many people don't actually think that there are risks involved being stuck in homosexual relationship(which i agree). I've read an article before saying that someone can be a homosexual in the first 30years of their life and ended up getting married to an opposite sex. To some its just curiosity and perhaps an experience.

iv)and of course setbacks faced in previous relationships which i agree with min:)

The above are all factors of socially determined. However,i feel its not solely social, homosexuality is biologically determined plays a part too.

2:15 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


yes, you can sit on the fence right now. we are still exploring the issue.

the group which is tackling the issue ( and they are all missing right now:) ) must take a stand during the discussion cafe.

5:41 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

yes adabelle

your points are absolutely valid.

and to this day, people are still arguing if homosexuality can be curbed.

5:44 PM  
Blogger mis_jill said...

erm...i personally think that hmosexuality is biologically determined. some may have discover their differences earlier than the rest and openly display their affection...when they spot someone of the same ''interest'' (these ppl might not have officially discover it...still wanting to be as normal as possible..they might have symptoms here and there)..the homosexuals will then tend to influence or lead them 'back to the right track'' it is kinda like an inborn thing..i hope i sound logically here..=)

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kinda agree with what adabelle has mentioned. the environment which we live in do play a part in changing our way of life..whether if he/she is devoid of family love or due to peer pressure.. but i feel that homosexuality can also be biologically determined. somehow some people(which i think not many) have certain rare genes in them that control their emotions or anything,that make them feel they are attracted to the same sex. these people might not want that to happen in them tho.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

in the mean time i'm sitting on the fence.
homosexuality might be biologically determined because some individuals might say that s/he is born that way. however, are there any research that states the presence of a master gene which causes homosexuality?

(i'm contradicting what i'm trying to say)

7:56 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Everyone's entitled to get confused.

In fact, education is about the unravelling of confusion. The process does not end.

Confusion is natural. Attempting to sort it out should be just as natural.

8:51 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


i understand you. what you are saying is that those homosexuals are part of nature.

While some might resist that part of them, some might embrace homosexuality. Those who resist it might gradually be influenced by those already embracing it.

8:54 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


your question is on the mind of researchers too.

Is there a gene (like a switch) which determines our sexual inclination?

It is also up to your group to find out. :)

8:55 PM  
Blogger adabelle said...

janice i think you're over exaggerating.hahaha.homosexuality can't be that bad right?its not like they are affecting lead your own life, they lead theirs.they have the the right to choose what they want for themselves.

in fact there's an article that says homosexuals as a group earn more and receive higher education than the general population.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

i think when we're young, having feelings towards the same gender is something that is erm, normal? but not so normal lah. that's what i learnt during a humanities lesson once, because we were talking about lesbians kissing each other in the school toilet. *yucks* perhaps it's a transition phase where kiddies learn and make someone of the same gender his/her idol that s/he wants to become.

and hey i dont think janice is exaggerating. homosexuals just make your goosebump stand. with females not so, but for males. OMG~

however for guys, no matter how homosexual you are when you're in your teens, he'll have to spend 2 years in a predominantly male environment (duh~ slaving for the nation). i feel that period of time is enough to teach the homosexual a lesson. but, what if he gets bullied? he might be depressed and think that he is not straight, and might change to be a 'real' man. IF national slavery doesn't exist, the homosexual wouldn't realise the truth and might think that homosexuality is correct, and that he's so called 'special' because he is a homo.

11:07 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


hmmm....I don't quite get you again.

Are you saying that NS helps change someone's sexual inclination?

5:02 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Hoe Kong

some scientists are trying to find out if criminals have similar genes. so, i won't be surprised if people are now trying to locate the gene for homosexuality ( if there is indeed one)

All these locating of genes is part of the genome project. this project is still being carried out now. do a google search on "human genome project".

5:10 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...


what im trying to say is NS may change the man's sexual inclination. (at least that's what happened to someone i know)

because i feel if a homo is a homo because of his environment, then the homo can also be straight by changing his social network of acquaintances and friends.

5:15 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Wei Teng's group

As you plough through the research, do what shiwei did. (Who is shiwei by the way?)

Question the research. Do not judge everything by face value.

10:10 PM  

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