Monday, October 23, 2006

DCP/1A/25 -- It is Better to be an Introvert than an Extrovert


Blogger min said...

my grp topic... Well, i personally prefer an introvert. I don't really like an extrovert as I find them rather noisy sometimes.. However, being an extrovert could be a benefit as they are not as shy as those introvert and they have the courage to try things. But introvert does has their own gd pts as well. Though they could be shy and quiet most of the time, they are equally as capable as those extrovert. Being quiet usually cause them to lose out as they do not express themselves. I personally also feels that sometimes extrovert think too highly of themselves and they could accidentally say things which might hurt others unknowingly. Introvert on the other hand are more conscious about themselves. Thats what i feel about extroverts and introverts.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

saying things that might hurt others < well i think it's the nature of someone being frank and straight forward.

in my opinion, yes, introverts might be as capable as an extrovert. but like min said, what an introvert might lack is the capability of expressing his/her own feelings and opinions. at this phase where we are still students, it doesnt matter much not being able to really voice out opinions, but what if s/he starts to work?

but what do you mean by introverts are more conscious about themselves?

introvert ;
- a shy person
- Psychology. a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings

i've got introvert friends who isn't really as conscious. sometimes they are just cooped up in their own world, and it's pretty annoying to get them to contribute ideas. and introverts tend to do things their own way. that's what i feel.

1:27 PM  
Blogger said...

Yes i agree that both introverts and extroverts have their pros and cons. However i do not think that being introvert is better than being extrovert. This is because i feel that extroverts have an advantage over introverts when it comes to clearing their doubts. Introverts, due to their shy character, may choose not to speak up to clear their doubts. In the end, it is they themselves that lose out as the question mark in their minds remains as a question mark.

As for extroverts saying things that hurt others unknowingly, i feel that almost everyone will make that mistake. The reason why most of the time its the extroverts who commit this mistake, i think is because they talk more compared to introverts? well at least that is what i think.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

do u choose to be an introvert or extrovert?
i dont quite understand.
u asked "No offence, but are you really happy about being an extrovert?"
"i prefer being an extrovert".
whch one are u???????????

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahas. i agree with zuuuuskingirl. after all that you've written, there is still some confusion in you choosing between an introvert or extrovert.
anyway, sometimes in life, there are bound to be times when one said things without thinking about others..i mean who doesnt does that?(not so often tho) each and everyone of us will definitely get to hear something that isnt pleasant to our ears from time to time. but that doesnt necessary mean being an extrovert will do more harm than an introvert. i prefer being an extrovert because remaining quiet most of the time will get you less chances of meeting more and different kinds of people in life and expsoing yourself to the environment and society. you will learn lesser things than others just because you're afraid to speak up and in order to survive in this society, interaction is inevitable and indispensable.

6:06 PM  
Blogger min said...

hey.. haha.. looks lyk everyone prefers an extrovert.. haha.. erm.. well dats what my grp members were arguing in the 1st place when we were discussing this topic.. introverts does have their own gd pts.. being quiet does not mean that u cant make much friends cause those extroverts would try to make friends with you..cooping up in their own world are not introverts it's another type of illness(i forget what it is called in eng).. introverts are not shy in fornt of people whom they feel comfrotable with.. but they are just shy towards the public. well.. i still feel that introverts are better people cause they are the ones whom you can share your secrets with...

7:40 PM  
Blogger said...

i agree with min that "cooping up in their own world are not introverts". some introverts are just not good at expressing themselves, but that doesnt mean they do not attempt to express themselves. like what min said too, introverts kinda find and choose people to talk to as they find themselves more comfortable with that specific person. so i believe that introverts do not have the lack of friends making ability. its just that they might not be the ones to start the friendship, as like most people say extroverts are more outgoing n willing to mix around. so most of the time extroverts will approach them before the introverts choose to approach instead? well at least that is what i think. however i still feel that introvert aint better than extrovert. that does not mean i think extrovert is better either. like i said there are pros and cons of this two types. so i wont say i will prefer an introvert or extrovert friend. or even me prefer being introvert or extrovert. but my question is we actually can choose if we are introvert or extrovert? coz sometimes i dont understand myself either =)

10:02 PM  
Blogger said...

well fengz, talking less makes u observe more. observe for a period of time u will understand a person's character. after understand if he/she feel comfortable with the certain person's character. thus he/she will attempt to approach to make friends. for this part to work anot well have to depend how hard he/she tries. as discussed above introverts is most likely not good with expressing himself/herself. if the other person dont notice his/her effort. i will only have to say he/she is not in the persons "view". this works for me because i believe alot in observing. maybe sometimes just lazy to take note =)

1:38 AM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

we have an unavoidable introvert in class, ask him what he is always cooped up in. =) no pun intended.

2:04 AM  
Blogger _jia_ said...

Erm, i think there is no right or wrong being an introvert or an extrovert or one better than another. I agree what ( said, both introvert and extrovert have their pros and cons. In my opinion, people who are extrovert are the ones that start off a topic and making the atmosphere more lively...They are usually more cheerful, more optimistic and happy go-lucky that kind.

As for introvert , they are not as sociable as those extroverted people.However, they make a good listener. They are usually the peace maker.

1:12 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

An interesting topic but it would benefit everyone if this group narrows the focus into some main categories.

"better" in which areas?

socially? e.g making friends, keeping friends, maintaining a social life

emotionally? e.g the ability to display and articulate emotions, ability to channel negative and positive emotions

academically? is it relevant? what do you think?

1:29 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Limin (min) mentions some situations where an introvert or extrovert might be at a disadvantage in certain situations. Logical observation.

However, in order to minimize confusion, members in this group should suggest the characteristics which make an introvert/extrovert.

For example, someone who loves to keep to himself, quiet but loves soccer. Would there be such a person? And if so, is he an extrovert or introvert?

Or someone who loves to mix around and talk but who keeps his feelings to himself? Is he an introvert/extrovert?

1:41 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

So far, most of you have focused on the ability to speak up as a key indicator of whether someone is an extrovert.

YOu would be Zul, weiteng, xueli and alan.

Good start. Are they any other key indicators.

1:43 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Think qifeng has gone one step furher.

Not only is it just "speaking up". But is involves opening oneself to others, thereby influencing others.

Good point.:)

1:45 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

think janice has given listed one clue (out of many) on how to identify an extrovert/introvert -- the way in which they are energised. Good point!

What gives an introvert/extrovert the energy to move on?

Bear in mind: this is just one of the many ways in which to characterise them. What are other ways?

By the way, looking at this aspect alone, I'm an introvert. :)

8:41 PM  
Blogger shikin said...

feel like an intruder here cos i think all of u are frm the same cls.

Too many posts to read.
So i just skimmed thru.
so excuse me if some points are repeated or have already been rebutted.

I agree with whoever who said that it is better to be an extrovert than introvert.Altho the tricky thing abt this question is that it doesnt specify in what aspect,whether in relationships with others,academics or work.

From personal experience(and i do noe this very well because i was an extreme introvert when i was in pri sch and my teacher thought i was mute and dumb)i believe that being an extrovert is better for acdemics and work and sometimes relationships with others.

Assuming that an extrovert is someone who dares to speak up and do not feel any shyness doing so and an introvert is the exact opposite,extroverts would have an easier time excelling in acad and work.Reasons why is simple.They dare to speak up.Express their views.Ask questions,whether they are thinking questions or not depend on their intelligence then.They are also not afraid to let their personality show.This is very impt because we constantly hear the word x-factor being used.When we go for interviews in the future(be it for a scholarship or jobs) interviewers would be interested to see someone refreshing,someone not afraid to express themselves and let their personality show.Qualifications are definitely very important but when a 100 other people hv e same qualifications as u u need to let ur personality shine thru to win them over.An introvert,no matter how colourful his personality might be when he is with people he is comfy with, would have alot of difficulty doing that.

However,i am of the opinion that an extrovert might have difficulty building friendships.In this context i mean quality friendships.Sure,the extrovert might have many friends but how many of this friendships would actually last very long?eventually,it is the quality,nt quantity that matters.And the extrovert having many many friends might not able to juggle all his friends and thus lose some of them.

Eventually i believe a balance of both introvert and extrovert's values would be ideal.

10:15 PM  
Blogger cHarisMaTa said...

hihi!!hmm..introvert and extrovert.
For me,i'm more of the extrovert than the introvert,though i might have traces of introvert in me.

In my opinion, i think introvert n extrovert is not a right or wrong thing,its an amoral thing.Introvert have its own good n bad point whereas extrovert have its good n bad points.

But i prefer extrovert.i think extrovert tends to take the initiative to talk to people,communicate with people.As for the introvert,they will wait for people to start a conversation before first,this is not very good,its like kep on waiting and waiting,no initiative at all.Moreover, i think extrovert will feel more confident,if not they won't even start to speak first.

i feel introvert are slightly insecure on the inside,they seems like they scare to be mock at when they speak something wrong or do something that seems silly.whereas,the extrovert are more open n free in their actions and speech,therefore they tend to share more with others.If you don't share with ohters your thoughts and thinking,people don't know what are you thinking.Thus result in miscommunication and problems arises.

Yup,thats what i feel.But i feel balance in both aspects is the best.As the saying goes: Balance is the key.

12:10 AM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

where has the introvert gone?

3:31 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

yeah. how can you differentiate between an introvert / extrovert. hmm, i suppose being hyperactive equates one being an extrovert as well.

i agree with some of shikin's points too. on whether extroverts can build quality friendships. IMO, it depends on the kind of person the extrovert is. some extroverts just cannot be trusted on most occasions, they might have a wide circle of friends, but they might just be acquantances, not even friends. an introvert on the other hand would more likely to stick with the friends s/he have, and may be more appreciative of what s/he has in life.

but really, there ain't no telling who is the good introvert or extrovert.

read in between the lines.

3:39 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


always welcome in all posts.

looks like it's an extrovert's world here.

Strangely enough, those who started blogging actively here seem more like introverts to me!

Of course, I only see you for two hours every week. So, it's difficult for me to tell.

4:48 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Which brings me to my next point.

with the tecnological tools like msn chats and forums etc, would introverts find it easier to express themselves now?

4:56 PM  
Blogger min said...

i an introvert if i m not wrong.. haha.. well... i dun speak up in class.. but i partcipate actively in cca stuff.. so does that mean that introvert will lose out.. i oso try to make frens or even initiate to talk.. so i still feel that introvert does not lose out.. well like what ms chang say wif advance technology such as msn, i find that it is easier for introvert to express themselves.. i dont usually talk to certain friends in class or else where.. But in msn we seem to be able to chat wif each other more than in front of the person.. so with advance technology, introverts will become people who will communicate more..

8:21 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

hahaha not you lah limin. you're quite talkative at times too .. haha

well, with the technologies advancing, i find that i can put my opinions in words better. this is because i make no sense most of the time when i talk. hehe. introverts who uses msn and chat forums would find it easier to make friends online. however, i dont find those who immerse themselves in gaming to have a wider circle of online friends as they're stucked in their fantasy world of gaming. if an introvert participates in a forum, it would likely be of interest to them, perhaps a site on anime or music, just to name a gew. once in a while members from the forum meet up and get to know each other, and thats when i feel it's an advantage to the introvert who makes friends online. furthermore, they share a common interest that they could talk about.

some introverts would lose out, some won't. it's a win-lose situation, unless we preach communism here. heee

10:58 PM  
Blogger jas said...

yeap. i agree to most of you. both introvert and extrovert have their advantages and disadvantages. And i also feel that there's actually no clear cut whether someone is an introvert or extrovert. i believe that everyone has their own introvert and extrovert side within them. maybe the only differences is people choose to be introvert or extrovert at different types of situation. Also, i feel that different people actually have different definition of their opinion on introvert and extrovert, take for example, person A feel that as long as someone is willing to speak out he/she is consider an extrovert. while person B may feel that as long as he/she does not hide his/her face among e books, willing to go outdoors is considered extrovert. so no one have an exact definition of what is introvert and extrovert.

11:33 PM  
Blogger min said...

haha.. zuuuuskingirl.. dont worry i noe who the introvert u r refering to.. i m jus giving my comments..

12:09 AM  
Blogger cHarisMaTa said...

I disagree with fengz,i feel that though we have msn,handphone messages to communicate through,it doesn't mean that introverts will find it even harder to communicate in life next time.

Think of the positive way.Maybe msn,messages will help the introverts to communicate even more,be more open in life in the future.who knows??

12:58 AM  
Blogger changzee said...

Limin and Zul

like i mentioned earlier, we tend to equate introverts with being quiet and extroverts with being talkative.

So, limin, your group must decide ( not now, later) what defines an introvert/extrovert.

4:47 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

And like Jasmin rightly pointed out, we all have both extroverted and introverted qualities.

But which qualities dominate more in our personalities?

4:49 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

qifeng and charis

both of you are disussing another controversial issue; that of the influence of technology.

Some people (like charis) say that technology brings people together. It also helps people (the introverts for e.g.) communicate more.

Others (like qifeng) feel that technology keep people apart.
THe introverts will remain even more isolated.

4:53 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

yong hong

haha... don't confuse an extrovert with a "kaypoh".

an extrovert may like talking.
but that does not necessarily mean talking behind others' backs. :)))

4:56 PM  
Blogger Zlhaykf said...

yong hong, it's extrOvert. not extravert. hahaha. extra. haha

i agree with QF to a small extent. imagine communicating with the boss on MSN. hahhahaha

5:06 PM  
Blogger min said...

Janice i m here.. haha.. i got ans qn in class meh?? only one time ba.. abt the crying when u r in k1.. i think dat doesnt differentaiate between intro or extroverts..erm.. babies do cry but does dat differentiate them between introverts n extroverts?? i think we have to narrow down our topic like what ms chang say..

10:54 PM  
Blogger jas said...

I feel that technology can only help the introvert to a small extend only. this is because even with the help of technology(such as msn, sms etc) introvert can only express their opinion and views to a small extend. without facial expression and gesture, sometimes it's easy to be misunderstood when you're trying to deliver some messenge to the others. i believe all of us has the experience of being misunderstood or misunderstand the other party. also, if they were to step out of the society, presentations, public speeches and etc requires them to speak up. And also, an introvert would means less job opportunity too. If they were to go for an job interview. An extrovert would know how to carry out themselves with confidence. Whereas, an introvert will usually have less confidence as they do not speak up often. As a superior, which would you choose? Also, being an introvert means they might not be able to work in e business line. As many business line requires u to meet different kinds of customers. Regradless they are someone you are familiar with or a complete stranger, you still have to do your part by communicating with them and convincing them in one way or another and share the knowledge they need to know.

12:37 PM  
Blogger changzee said...


you mentioned the first day of school.

I remember that I cried when I could not attend K1 on the first day of school because my mum forgot to apply a student pass for me.

Think it did not demonstrate my introverted/extroverted nature. I was just jealous that I could play with the toys in the classroom! :)

9:12 PM  
Blogger changzee said...

Back to the issue.

Janice's group

Like I mentioned earlier, a human has mutliple sides to his personality.

What defines an extrovert/introvert?

Try NOT to narrow the definition to just the ability to speak to others. This is just one aspect.

What about others?

9:15 PM  
Blogger Daph said...

I honestly and seriously think that the question of which is better; either an introvert or extrovert, will not have a definite answer. It's more of a choice, and not a better-or-worse question. I believe there would be a lot of very judgemental approaches for this question.

Each person is unique, blended with their different characteristics. Gradually, most of us slide one way or the other toward either being an extrovert or introvert.

I am certain that both characters can function just as efficiently. We must remember that an extrovert and introvert is capable of thinking rationally, the only difference if whether they express these thoughts inwardly or outwardly. They have different measures with each of their own strengths and weakness.

Being an extrovert or introvert is neither a bad nor good choice, they compliment each other well eventually.

We must remember that thereotically dividing people into either an extrovert or introvert is being too judgemental and general. Just because one theory deduces either character is stronger in a certain situation, cannot define a person in total. Every character have their own unique zest.

3:02 AM  

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